Staffs Young Farmers Staffs Young Farmers

Staffordshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs

"Fun, learning and achievement"

Staffordshire YFC’s Black & White Affair

On Saturday 11th March, Staffordshire Young Farmers held their Annual Dinner Dance at the Ingestre Suite on the County Showground for over 400 YFC members, guests and supporters of the organisation.  The Black Tie Dinner was themed as “The Black and White Affair” and the evening was based around old movies and film stars.  The evening commenced with County Chairman, George Goodwin, recreating the iconic start of films by The Rank Organisation, as the federation’s very own “Gong Man!”    George struck the gong at 8pm to signal that “dinner was served.”

Photographs in the foyer were taken against magnificent backdrop, designed and created by talented local member of Stone YFC, Phillippa Bourne.  Then, following a four-course meal, members and guests danced to The Bulge Disco, enjoyed a flutter on the Casino and socialised with members past and present in true YFC style.

The Dinner Dance is one of the highlights of Staffordshire YFC’s busy social calendar and raises valuable funds to keep the federation running so successfully with almost 600 members aged 10 – 26 years of age.
