Staffs Young Farmers Staffs Young Farmers

Staffordshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs

"Fun, learning and achievement"

Royal Visit

Princess Anne visited the YFC Centre 

Young Farmers in Staffordshire celebrated the opening of their new headquarters 26 years ago with a Royal visit from the Princess Royal. Princess Anne returned to the Young Farmers’ office on Tuesday 26th July 2011 as part of a day to celebrate ‘Rural Activities in Staffordshire’. Some of those members involved 26 years ago were there to welcome Her Royal Highness, along with today’s Young Farmers who were keen to demonstrate the skills and activities, which ensure the organisation is sustainable as the rural youth movement of the countryside. The activities the members demonstrated to the Princess included traditional activities such as how to prepare an animal for showing; the art of sheep stock judging; butchery skills cookery skills. Other demonstrations included Tug of War, hedge laying and bricklaying. Other members read a specially written poem to demonstrate their Public Speaking Skills, sang for the Princess and prepared the posy for the Princess. The two youngest members in the Federation presented HRH with the posy and two Staffordshire YFC mugs.
Paul Worrall, County Chairman of Staffordshire YFC said, ‘We had hoped the Princess Royal would come last year to celebrate Staffordshire YFC Centre’s 25th Anniversary, but that was not possible. However, 26 years on it is good to celebrate our many achievements in the YFC movement. What was important to young people 25 years ago is still important today and the opportunity to participate in rural activities, with like-minded people, is as valuable today as it was then. We have lots of fun in Young Farmers, with an opportunity to learn and train, particularly through our Competitions Programme and the Federation’s Development Committee which organise a vast range of activities throughout the year. We had two members of the Staffordshire YFA (Young Farmers Ambassadors) Committee present, to explain about the fantastic opportunities that Young Farmers have to apply for trips abroad and travel the world with the NFYFC Discovery Programme.

There’s lots of photos on our Photo Gallery page
