Staffs Young Farmers Staffs Young Farmers

Staffordshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs

"Fun, learning and achievement"

Dairy Stockjudging Competition 2023

Staffordshire YFC are looking forward to holding their annual County Dairy Stockjudging Competition on Thursday 13th April by kind permission of The Bowers Family, Hollies Farm, Gnosall and kindly supported by HJ Lea Oakes.  Teams will consist of six members who will be judging rings of Dairy Cows, placing them in orders of merit and giving reasons to the master judges.    Many clubs have been holding their practice nights at local farms in their local area to brush up on their reason giving and techniques to judge the cattle on the night.

This skilled and popular competition, one of the many Staffordshire YFC run throughout the year, helps members with observation, their understanding of the make-up of the animal, market demands, communication and presentation skills.  The Junior members judge, place and give reasons on 4 animals, the Intermediate members judge, place and give reasons on 6 animals and the Senior members judge, place and give reasons on 4 animals as well as using the linear method of assessing characteristics.  There are entries from all ten clubs in Staffordshire and members have been practising at local farms to hone and refresh their skills ready to take part.

The evening will conclude with filled jacket potatoes and the results announced to see which winning members will go forward to the National Finals of the competition held in July at the Great Yorkshire Show.

For information about Staffordshire YFC, becoming a member or to contact one of the 10 Clubs we have across Staffordshire call 01785 248645 or email Our website at has updated information about Staffordshire YFC and the local clubs, including recent event photos.   You can also follow the latest news and activities on FaceBook @StaffordshireYFC or Instagram @staffsyfc
