Staffs Young Farmers Staffs Young Farmers

Staffordshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs

"Fun, learning and achievement"

B & B Tractors support Public Speaking Day Competitions

On Sunday, 27th November, members from across the Staffordshire County Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs will take part in a variety of Public Speaking competitions including Junior Reading, Junior Speaking, Intermediate Call My Bluff, Senior Brainstrust and Situations Vacant.  There will also be the Member of the Year Competitions held on the same day.

These competitions are very kindly supported B & B Tractors of Tutbury. Sara Paloni, Group Marketing Manager said “For the third year running B&B Tractors are proud to sponsor Staffordshire YFC County Public Speaking Day. Along with Staffordshire YFC, we believe that encouraging up and coming members to speak publicly about current and popular topics in the agricultural industry is the best way to bring awareness to the farming community.”

Members who come first or second place in the competitions will have the opportunity to take part in the area round which is also being hosted by Staffordshire YFC on Sunday 19th February 2023.

For full details about the day, please click here.
