Over 90 members in 8 Competitions took part in this years Public Speaking Day held at Stafford County Showground.The day was kindly sponsored by
What a weekend of festive fun at the Staffordshire YFC Virtual Christmas Rally. 14 classes and over 160 entries from seven clubs! Massive thanks again to all our supporters and particular our sponsors - J A Bloor, South Staffs Water, LLM Vets, NVM Construction, Uttoxeter NFU, Agrovista and Frontier Agriculture Ltd.
With the cancellation of the actual Rally, Staffordshire YFC members took to social media to showcase their skills and creative talents. Congratulations to everyone who took part.
A joint venture with South Staffs Water and Staffs YFC saw 82 tractors in convoy on 20 mile route!
A great evening celebrating all the achievements of individual members and clubs across Staffordshire YFC.
A full packed weekend supported by The National Lottery Community Fund and Rural Youth Trust Grant, empowering Staffordshire YFC's Club Officers in their new role of responsibility.
Lots of fun had by everyone at this years County Show!!!
Inside the YFC Marquee we have some fab displays from the Club Display Competition.
A wonderful way to start the Staffordshire County Show, with socialising and entertainment from Staffordshire YFC for their invited guests and supporters.
What an array of talent at this competition!
A great afternoon of fun and games, raising money for Cancer Research!
One of the coldest but as always, great fun days in the YFC calendar - the Annual Rally, held at Blore Farm, Hales by kind permission of the Lea and Baines Family.
A great evening for all guests attending the Staffs YFC Annual Dinner Dance.
Rudyard Hotel, Rudyard