Staffs Young Farmers Staffs Young Farmers

Staffordshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs

"Fun, learning and achievement"

The Year Stone Shook It Up…

The years almost at an end, and what a year its been! From start to finish we’ve pushed ourselves to achieve our club goals and its safe to say we smashed them! Almost every competition was entered, we came back with certificates and silverware in competitions we never dreamed off…

We had another great year at the rally coming away with 4 trophies (and placed in many more) for the various groups of competitions including ‘Most Improved Club’… members new and old took part in static competitions before the day as well as on the day! With many exhibits and members getting placed it helped us on the way to all the trophies we walked away with! a BIG thank you from the rally secretary for all the hard work, effort and time given up to help the club! the rally was followed by what has to be said as our best Staffordshire County Show to-date!…

At the Pre-show Reception Becky Roe won 1st in the Club Display after all her hard work and effort, from finding pictures to making and sticking…. Phillippa Bourne won the Leslie T Chester Trophy for her 500 word story for the 2nd year running… Enya entered the YFC Got Talent on the keyboard/piano giving us a fab rendition! The Wednesday brought along the Tug-of-War competitions in which the Ladies team pulled away with 1st place and would be heading onto West Mids area and the lads team roped in a 3rd place! Moving on to the Thursday for the Float Competition, we’d pulled all the stops out on our float this year with the theme ‘Porridge’ by building in ways in which we wouldn’t usually, but we needed to keep up with the competition! we came away with 2nd place which as a club we are extremely proud of! Phillippa Bourne painted her way to 1st place for the clubs front name board! What a Fantastic show! a Big thank you goes out too all our members and sponsors!

Shortly after the ladies tug-of-war team went on to pull at the west midlands area, coming out on top with 1st place and heading on their way to the national finals! The National finals were held on the 4th August, the girls didn’t get placed, but such a great achievement to reach the finals of what is a very competitive sport, we wish them all the luck for next year and they are always looking for new pullers for the ladies and men’s teams.

The club has had a wide variety of events and socials with other clubs over the past year, ranging from mill tours to rock climbing, to slippery poles… we in turn also took part in the county Chairman’s fundraising idea for Young Minds… #oatcakeontour was a great success, for our club contribution a minibus load of 16 members decided to raise money by climbing Mt. Snowdon with the 4ft wooden oatcake in tow! We left the showground at 3:30am, climbed up and climbed down in some serious sun! all in good time to get back for the beer festival going on at the showground! We raised over a £1600 for Young Minds!

The top table would like to thank all of its members for their hard work and support throughout the year, and hope that the club continues to grow and succeed in all aspects of YFC! 
