Staffordshire YFC is a charitable rural youth organisation with 10 clubs across the county and 660 members. We are led by young people for young people. YFC provides anyone aged 10 – 28 years with a fantastic chance to make lifelong friends and learn new skills.
You don’t have to be a farmer to be a young farmer.
We are part of a much wider community of young people across the country, linked by West Midlands Area of YFC’s and The National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, with over 20’000 members across England and Wales.
There is not enough space to list everything, here’s a quick snapshot:
Open doors to future employment through the learning and volunteering opportunities.
Help make their community a better place to live.
Become healthier and happier.
Become more confidence, self-motivated and succeed.
Improve social skills.
In YFC there is such a vast programme of Club and County activities and competitions—there is something for everyone.
Being a part of a club helps young people to make friendships for life. Members can’t wait for the next club meeting or big social event.
YFC provides members opportunities to take up training, learn new skills, attend events and network.
It’s widely known that volunteering great for mental health and through YFC, members have a great sense of pride and belonging.
On Sunday 8th December the roads of Staffordshire rural villages were lit up by a spectacular procession of over 85 festive tractors. Hundreds of people lined the streets to see the amazing display of machinery, donating generously towards the Young Farmers chosen charities. The event generated a record amount of over £10,000 which will be ...
Prime your engines and hold onto your flat caps – the Christmas Tractor Run, organised by the Staffordshire Young Farmers Clubs takes a new route for 2024! The Staffordshire countryside will once again see around 100 festive tractors take to the road in a charity Christmas convoy on Sunday 8 December from 5pm. Arranged by ...
On Sunday, 24th November, over 80 members of Staffordshire County Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs took part in a variety of Public Speaking competitions. The day was kindly supported by Elanco Animal Health based in Bristol. In the first competition of the day, Junior Reading, each team, comprising of three members aged 10 – 14 ...
A fabulous evening, raising funds to be shared between Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity and Staffordshire Young Farmers. This event is only possible due to the support from local businesses, over 100 volunteers who marshalled road junctions, carried collection buckets and many other tasks - a huge thanks to every one of you! An extra thank you goes to the main sponsors JCB & Halso UK