Staffordshire YFC is a charitable rural youth organisation with 10 clubs across the county and 660 members. We are led by young people for young people. YFC provides anyone aged 10 – 28 years with a fantastic chance to make lifelong friends and learn new skills.
You don’t have to be a farmer to be a young farmer.
We are part of a much wider community of young people across the country, linked by West Midlands Area of YFC’s and The National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, with over 20’000 members across England and Wales.
There is not enough space to list everything, here’s a quick snapshot:
Open doors to future employment through the learning and volunteering opportunities.
Help make their community a better place to live.
Become healthier and happier.
Become more confidence, self-motivated and succeed.
Improve social skills.
In YFC there is such a vast programme of Club and County activities and competitions—there is something for everyone.
Being a part of a club helps young people to make friendships for life. Members can’t wait for the next club meeting or big social event.
YFC provides members opportunities to take up training, learn new skills, attend events and network.
It’s widely known that volunteering great for mental health and through YFC, members have a great sense of pride and belonging.
We held our annual Pool Competition, at Tenpin Stafford. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to everyone who helped run the competition! The results were: Individual: - Rich – Cheadle
- James – Cheadle
- James – Chase Team:
- Cheadle A
-Eccleshall A
- Cheadle B PHOTOS
We headed over to Eaton Hall Shooting Ground for our annual clay pigeon completion! A massive thank you for hosting us! 28 and under Men: 1st – Aaron – Waterhouses Joint 2nd – Joe – Waterhouses & Alfie – Cheadle 3rd – Phillip – Chase 28 and under Women: Joint 1st – Hollie – Chase ...
With four teams taking part the results were: 3rd – Chase Young Farmers 2nd – Ashley Young Farmers 1st – Cheadle Young Farmers A massive well done to everyone who took part and a big thank you must go to our refs who made the competition possible! It is planned for a composite team to go ...